Wednesday, December 26, 2007

You and Cover Boys...

Hello sweetheart! Mommy saw this while browsin' through someone else's multiply goes to Ms. Rowena Lei. Hope she doesn't mind my grabbing her contains pics of you & Dada( the two people whom i love the most )

here you are...the two well-loved men in my life... matching red shirts. Love you, Dada & Benedict!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

ELFing it out...

Got this from Mommy's fellow n@wie (Ayn & Loy Nicolas) who made the same presentation for her's something funny to add to the already festive holiday atmosphere...

Click on the link below to see us-the Ong family "elfing" it'll never see your Daddy Marlon, Mommy Bless & you, our dear little boy groove this way in real life...hehehe

Happy holidays to everyone...

Spread the love!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

my little Santa

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Merry Christmas...

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According to Baby Center, your 15th month milestone...

According to BABYCENTER.COM, you're supposed to be...
"Your 15-month-old

How your toddler's growing: Your baby is growing up fast these days, walking (oh my, you're more like running these days), talking a little (ah, you have a limited vocabulary but you do say the words clearly nowadays...DAD or DADDY occassionaly, "AYT" for light, "BA" means borrow, YAYA an improvement from A-A before), and probably even using a spoon (simply for banging on the table) or fork when he eats. Every game he plays (peek-a-boo), whether it's pointing to different body parts (eyes pronounced as "AAHS", ears "ERS", nose, tummy, hands, fingers, hair, toes "TOSS", cheeks with matching hands on chin, oh-so-cute pose) when you ask him to or putting objects into containers and taking them out again (never gets tired of pushing, pulling, taking toys out of & into your plastic toy box), teaches him about the world around him. One of the things he's learning is that he's an autonomous entity, not just an extension of you. How can you tell if your child has grasped this concept? Watch him in front of a mirror; if he recognizes herself and isn't trying to reach out and touch the "other" baby, he gets it. (yey! it's nice to learn that you now have a concept of self my loved looking at your face in the mirror. You love seeing your Santa suit...modelling your new giraffe tickles my fancy when i see you like that my baby boy!)

How your life is changing: The way your child interacts with the world around him will tell you a lot about his temperament — how he's likely to respond to different situations, people, places, and things. For example, some children are flexible and adapt easily to change, others need a more predictable schedule. You can modify your child's environment to help him succeed. He's depending on you to make him feel comfortable. By respecting his needs, you can help him develop to his fullest potential.
Nyay! I can see that you're very determined and persistent, my Benedict... you won't easily settle for a No...and you have a way to get things done your way..tsk, tsk...but still, when it comes to downright "discipline", me & Dad are both firm believers that we may need to use the rod at times :-(
Parent Tip: Making road trips easier "Car trips can be brutal with a 15-month-old. Keep some snacks and special toys in the car to keep fidgeting at bay."
We willput this on a test when we get to travel home to Pagadian or Mapang soon for the holidays...But as always, life is sweet with a baby boy as sweet as you are, my tiny munchkin..

P.S. Mama loves you so...(i wish you'd say "Mommy" or even "mama" more often :-)

Christmas Scrapbook 2007

Click to play Ong+Family+Christmas+'07
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Flashback...September 2006...

Hey Benedict, my little prince! We had you circumcised on Aug. 31, 2006, a day after you were born. Khuy Bu Alice, your pediatrician, did the operation on you. She did it very early in the morning so when I came at the nursery for your breastfeeding session, you were so tiny and vulnerable and in such pain. My heart went out to you. Your Dad & I decided to extend our hospital stay a bit so that you can be taken cared of by more capable hands at the nursery. Although Khuy Bu Alice said you are ok to check out na anytime. She also said that it will take only 3 days for the wound to heal. We just have to be very diligent in cleaning it with Hydrogen Peroxide and applying an antibacterial ointment (Bactroban).

We went home on the 1st day of September. It’s a fresh start for us – suddenly, it’s not just me & your Dad, we now have you, our little Benedict, to love and care for. Here’s our earliest family picture…

You were wearing a long-sleeved baby blue shirt, a Mickey Mouse pj, white mittens and tiny socks and swaddled in a Cotton Stuff white hooded blanket when we left the hospital. By now, your diaper can be closed na. Though you are still in pain, I guess because you would whimper and cry just before you would pee. Gua Kong didn’t approve of having you circumcised so early.
I guess he pity you my child.

And your grandparents… Gua Kong Leo (who is also your namesake) and Gua Ma Lydia (who helped Mommy a great deal in taking care of you, without her how can we ever survived in Cebu? )

Here’s your Di Ei Grace and your only cousin Achi Gianne from my side of the family. She’s so loving & caring towards you. She’s always asking if she can kiss you J Sweet little girl…

Among our earliest visitors also were mine & your Daddy’s relatives and friends. We are so loved baby boy. Here are some pictures of your loving aunts…With your Khuy Bu Chen-chen…

With your Titas from Daddy’s side of the family… Tita Steph (who helped Mommy a great deal too in taking care of you…she’s even the one who gave you your first bath, little boy, Tita Che and Tita Ces…

Bonding moments with your Dad…

4D Ultrasound (July 2006)

On July 13, 2206 we went to Madonna Hospital for your schedule of the 4D ultrasound. Both your Dad & I are very excited. We would have wanted to know earlier what your gender is going to be so that we can buy all the appropriate clothes, accessories & baby stuffs for you. We went when you were 23 weeks (going 6 months, more or less) but you were not cooperative then. The sonologist informed me then that it’s difficult to tell as you are in a frank breech position. Initially she said you might be a girl but changed her mind when she saw that it was your butt you were showing. Playful baby!!! But she did say she can somewhat see a small penis that’s underdeveloped but could not be really sure so she recommended that we wait til past 7 months before we have an ultrasound again. But even at the onset when we found out that I was 5 weeks pregnant with you, I’ve always somewhat felt that you are going to be a BOY…hmm, mother’s intuition? Nah, I don’t think it’s a coincidence. I’ve prayed to Papa God to grant us a healthy baby boy. Papa God answers prayers, little one especially if it’s as pure as asking a little angel to be born in our midst…
P.S. Daddy & Mommy loves you…

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Birthday, Benedict!!!

When I first felt the contraction, I was already lying in bed watching late TV shows on ABS-CBN. It was around 11pm on August 29, 2006. But I still am not sure if it was really contraction I am feeling so I just tried to lie still and get into the most comfortable position I can get. I was really heavy this time so I thought maybe all the walking (exercise) I’ve been doing the last couple of days must have caused the dull pain in my leg. The sensation is somewhat similar to menstrual cramps somewhat. Yet I don’t want to be so complacent too, as I don’t really know what to expect when I go into labor. So around 1am of Aug. 30, 2006, after I used the bathroom and found a pinkish blood-like substance in the toilet bowl, I called up your Di Ei (my sister, Grace). I described the feeling and what I have seen in the toilet. She told me to start timing the contractions na. I decided to call your Dad then but told him that it isn’t confirmed yet. Past 3am, I went to pee again and this time there’s a red blood on the toilet bowl. And the menstrual cramp-like feeling has not subsided, if anything, it grew a bit more intense but still tolerable. I was more uncomfortable than in pain, really. I thought it’s time to call your Dad so he can still have time to book for a flight to Cebu in case I’d be admitted to the hospital in the morningSo after a few attempts of timing the contractions, I got bored and sleepy so I decided to get some shut-eye instead. . I remember praying til I got sleepy.
Around 6am, I woke up your Yaya Mila and inform her to finish packing our stuffs for the hospital. She got nervous, poor little girl J. I finished taking a bath, ate my breakfast and waited for your Di Ei to come. By this time, your Tita Stephanie & Tita Rachel (whom we’ve been staying with) are both ready also. So when Di Ei arrived, we headed to Chong Hua Hospital which is about 10 minutes away from their place lang. I was checked first and around 7am, I was admitted to the hospital. Labor is on-going by this time and my cervix was 5 cm dilated already. I remember praying fervently and remembering all informations I have read in the books to pass the time. And feeling a bit excited and pleased when they informed me that if contractions will progress as expected, I am to give birth in the afternoon. I will be seeing you soon, my little one!
While I was lying in bed in the labor room, many student nurses were asking me questions such as age, gender of baby, if this is my first delivery, etc… But I’ve been feeling ok so I tried to accommodate them as they also made me feel good with the warmth of their palm on my tummy and back. I was given an IV and fetal monitor to check your condition & the labor’s progress. When I was about 8cm dilated, Doc Abalos came and ordered for me to be given a pain reliever shot. After which, I remember feeling so sleepy. I learned later on that an hour had passed before she woke me up and transferred me to the delivery room. Now the time is near when I’ll get to hold you in my arms. My general experience of your birth is quiet pleasant, Benedict. My contractions progressed rather quickly and there were no labor complications. My OB-Gynecologist later on informed me that I was very lucky as it’s like I was in painless labor because I was so sleepy that the pain didn’t bother me as much. It took me about 4 pushes before you, my little Benedict came out. By then, your daddy Marlon joined me in the delivery room. He said I look like I was in so much pain that he thought I won’t be able to deliver via normal means. It’s so amazing the whole birth process! The bet part was seeing you, my precious baby boy. The first time I laid eyes on you, I felt a rush of love for you, my little guy whom I have cared for ever since I realized that you’re growing inside my tummy. I remember telling you “I love you, son” when you were put beside me to breastfed the first time. You’re so tiny and adorable! I closed my eyes and whisphered a short thank you prayer to Papa God.

Then we had our first family picture taken by a kind nurse right there in the delivery room.
Your first video, courtesy of your Di Ei Grace...Welcome, little boy. Happy birthday!!!

P.S. Mommy loves you so...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Catching Up...

Seems like only yesterday, when all the wound from childbirth is still fresh and the pain reminds me of how much of a "labor" bringing out a child into this world really is. But I only have to look at you to realize that time flies so fast. Now, you're walking (even running at fast speed, at times) and talking (more like babbling, really ;-)) . If only I had the connection & the time to chronicle all that had transpired in the year or so since we first saw each other... My only regret is not putting into words the happiness that I've felt in my heart each time you reached your milestone, be it as simple as latching in my nipple when you started breastfeeding or the anticipated first smile, steps, word (which is "mama" in your case).

I intend to post pictures in lieu of letters to remind me again of the utter joy I've felt in my heart. As if I need any reminder aside from looking at you, my boy. The happiness you brought ever since I've first seen you is irreplaceable. I've seen a sense of purpose in my life when you came into mine.

P.S. You are so loved...

Our Little Christmas Tree

Last Sunday, after we attended mass at the Limketkai Atrium, we hurriedly joined some family friends & relatives of your Dad at Cagayan de Oro Gardens to commemorate their elder's death anniversary. You got to meet some new faces and inspite of being sleepy, you proved your charisma for you won their hearts over with your smiles & babbles. Oh they all love you my sweet little boy. Your Dad & I still are amazed at how you deal with people. You seem to be so wise beyond your years. There's a certain sparkle in your eye when you do something mischevous or when you are indulging someone... you seem to assure me all the time that you are in control of the situation. Hmmm, maybe it's just my imagination. But I feel deep down inside that someday in the future, I'll look back to this blog entry & say to myself, I've known it all along... I look forward to spending more time with you. Hopefully we will still be as close even when you reach your adult years. I pray too that God will grant both me & your Dad more years to enjoy your company.

Anyways, the rest of the afternoon, we went to SM to get some groceries and do some shopping. I was ecstatic to find our Christmas tree (sold on sale pa ha). Dad & I left you & Yaya at the Kids Station to purchase some decors for the tree so that we can already set it up when we reach home. Isn't Mommy so excited? You bet, little one! This is the first tree we will have. And quiet frankly, me & your Dad just talked about it a few nights ago that Christmas is a whole lot happier and more meaningful, now that we have you in our lives. Suddenly, we are finding deeper meanings & reaping joys in seeing the magic of the Yuletide season reflected in your eyes. You are trully our God-given blessing!

After dinner at Roadhouse Steak, where you sipped their pochero soup to your heart's content, we head home as it is past 8pm already. when we reached home, your Dad & I (with the help of our household staff) set up the Christmas tree, or at least part of it. We finally had to quit as it is past 10pm already yet you seemed to be so wired up still, running here & there. You seem to love the idea of seeing your own Christmas tree being set up. Maybe you're thinking along these lines..."Mom, it's great that we were finally able to bring home our own tree from the mall". I suppose you enjoyed our sight-seeing as I can see the gleam in your eye as we looked around for the "perfect" tree for our family.

Right after breakfast the following day (Nov. 12) we finished setting up the tree, with the lights, ribbons & trimmings, balls & even the angel on top. I just love the look in your eyes when we turned on all the lights in the room as well as on the tree. It's pure joy. And I just couldn't help but be thankful to Papa God once again, for giving us the gift of life & love-YOU, our precious Benedict.

P.S. I love you so much Son!

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Search for our Perfect Christmas Tree

Finally! It's our first time in the mall again, after what seemed like eternity... aren't you beside yourself with joy, my little boy?! Well, you seemed unsure of yourself... you were eyeing the car stroller yet you clung to your daddy so tight when we urge you to try it out. Hmmm, maybe that's the price we have to pay for not letting you out for such a long time. Though you can't blame us if we were being cautious, it's agonizing & heart-wrenching to see you having difficulty when you caught the cold.

Well, anyway, back to our search for our litle christmas tree. We hope you enjoyed malling with us as much as we enjoy spending the time seeing the delightful look in your face. You seem so awed with the giant & luxuriously-decorated christmas trees we see in the malls nowadays. We still haven't found our perfect tree. I am so amazed with your new-found delight in all things glittery & shiny. Christmas has now a truly different meaning ever since you came into our lives, precious one. You make every day very interesting. I didn't realize that I have so much patience in me diay, nor the fact that I am capable of being so animated inspite of only a few hours of shut-eye. All for the love of my life...who else but you, my son...

Thursday, November 08, 2007

It's almost lunch time and you're still in dreamland sleepyhead. I was dizzy when you woke me up so early in the morning. My fault though for staying up so late trying to Goggle new baby recipes. I just want to feed you well my angel. Oh well, your cereal is ready. Just waiting for you to open your peepers. Hmmm, will you still love the taste of "anana" (banana) today? I'm just so grateful to your Dad for getting up at 3am to feed you your milk. Remind me to give him a big, big hug & a kiss too ;-))
I love the way you look with the khi paw that your Ah Ko gave you. You're such an adorable little tot. May you always stay that way! Let's tell you Khuy Bu Chen to get you some more of those in different shades ok? So we can use 'em during photo ops this Christmas season.
I'm looking forward to setting up our very own Christmas tree with you. Let's ask Daddy to shop for decors sometime soon.
Oh well, have to stop blogging na. Will have to get you ready pa for your doctors appointment later. We are getting the Pneumococcal shot today. I hope you wont get hurt my baby. Hugs for you...

ps. i love you

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dinner at The SteakHouse

After an afternoon at David's Salon-Big R, I'm dying to be with you again, my little boy. Did you miss Mommy? Do you like my new hairstyle? You seem to think I'm pretty! (Is it just my imagination? hehe) You keep on looking at me..nah, staring is more like it. I ate my fillet mignon heartily. I was famished. Didn't have time to eat snack as I was just in time for my 4pm appointment when I finished buying your anti-asthma medicine at Mercury. (I really hope you wont get sick ever again, my darlin').
Anyway, I gathered from your Dad that you were so hyper on your way to the resto. You've been making faces & shouting with glee, clowning around with Ko Tio & Ah Ko. (hmm, you seem to think we're all your ka-level ha? tsk,tsk... makes me wonder how are we ever going to handle disciplining tactics. But on the brighter side, you seem to be very confident, very sure of your place in this universe.) Well, I hope you'd always keep in mind that you are very much loved and adored, my little prince.
It's our first night out after about a month, not counting the days we spent seeing your doctor for check-ups & consultations. I'm just glad it's all over now. I just pray all will be well na.
You seemed to like the squash soup they have served us & the mashed potato also. Yummy noh? Promise to search the net for more homemade recipes we can try for you so you wont get tired of the usual container food we're serving you. The bread is also yummy anak noh? Unfortunately, Ah Ko got so excited seeing you gooble up the bread that she fed you too much too soon. Good thing you only threw up a bit. Embarassing act, little boy! Good thing you were too can get away with everything, almost ;-)
Oh well, it was a perfect night to be with family members and to celebrate life with a toddler like you, my Benedict. You are the apple of my eye.

P.S. I love you with all my heart